Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Answered Prayer

I'm supposed to blog about Prophecy Night, but I REALLY wanted to do this post instead. Every Christian knows that God answers prayer, but has anyone ever thought that you, yes you, can be an answered prayer to someone specific only because you listened to God and continued to die to your flesh daily and carry the cross?

Ok, so last summer I started working at Burgundy and it was only because I needed any kind of job. I hated it (Gotta be honest lol). Sometimes, God guides you to places and seasons and you won't see why or understand until later. Well, I can definately say why God chose Burgundy. While others wouldn't hire me, Burgundy hired me before I even walked in (connections and all).

Anyway, after last summer I thought I would NEVER go back, but I somehow did. One of the managers called me and asked for me to be a temp. manager because both of the managers were going to Korea and needed someone who had worked from the beginning and someone that they also trusted (aka a korean person - let's be honest). Anyway, these Korean managers wanted me to be a temp. manager so I agreed.

I started working on May 23. Such a random date!! And I end on June 20. On that Friday, May 23, I met my employee Jamaal and boy did we have a good talk about God. Basically I witnessed which was awesome (it's always awesome to talk about God). Second time I worked (that following Tuesday), i met my other employee Roderick and we also had a good talk about God. jamaal and roderick were in the same place with God (say that their Christians but live unlikely).

BUT something SO AWESOME happened. I met my third employee the third day i worked - Robert. This man loves God. I knew it when i met him because my spirit felt a peace with him and i immediately asked him if he knew God and we talked about Him. I got a few pictures and words for him..basically i prophecied over him - just God speaking through to him you know.

it ended up to where i invited him to join encm, ent, and my spiritual family. In no way is he obligated to join, but i invited cuz i felt a sense of loss with these things - especially a spiritual family. And this is what he told me. He has been praying for a spiritual family for over a year!!! And then I knew...not only did God use me to witness, but to also be someone's answered prayer. My family - my brothers and sisters from encm and ent - are Robert's answered prayer. Borah's an answered prayer to Robert. Josh's an answered prayer to Robert. Derek's an answered prayer to Robert, Roberto's an answered prayer to Robert. Rajat's an answered prayer to Robert. Bradley's an answered prayer to Robert. Dude...i can go on and on!!

But do u get the point?? IT'S SO AWESOME TO BE USED BY GOD!!!!!!!!